Production and Shipping

  • Standard Production

Processing time varies based on the order size. Orders up to $800.00 are typically processed within 2 to 4 business days. Medium-sized orders are usually shipped within 7 to 10 business days, while large and custom orders require 14 or more business days. Since each order is unique and may have different shipping destinations, please contact us if you have a specific deadline in mind. We offer several options to expedite your order.

  • Expedited Production

Expedited production may ship the same day, depending on the size, complexity, and material availability of the order. Expedited rush orders can only be placed over the phone or for specific products through our online store.

  • Shipping Processing

Standard: 1-2 BD
Expedited: Same Day

Apr 30, 2024 7:06 pm
Affected Systems
Processing Lead Time